Cybersecurity Kill Chain

Derived from military kill chain

describes the structure of an attack

7 phases or stages of a targetted attack

Break the kill chain is the defense

Each stage present opportunity to detect and react


1. Reconnaissance

Gather information on the target before the actual attack starts


Looking for publicly available information on the internet

also known as Footprinting


Interaction with the target

  • Technical

    • Vulnerabilities scanning

    • Fingerprinting: nmap

    • Web Application Scanning

  • Non Technical

    • Physical Interaction

    • Social Media

2. Weaponization

3. Delivery

4. Exploitation

Exploitation weaknesses in your security

Execute their scripted code (weapon from step 2) onto the victim environment.

5. Installation

Now comfortably beyond your security systems

Malicious file can begin installing malware onto your environment

Example: install Netcat

6. Command and Control (C2)

7. Actions on Objectives

Defense in Depth

Defense action

  • Detect

  • Deny

  • Disrupt

  • Degrade

  • Deceive

  • Contain

Defense action Matrix




The Unified Kill Chain

Uniting and extending Lockheed Martin's Kill Chain and MITRE's Att&CK framework

18 Attack Phases er-Intel-Driven-Defense.pdf

Last updated