Lab 2: Cognito

You will learn in this lab:

  1. How to create a Cognito User Pool using the AWS console. How to extract Cognito tokens using localhost.

  2. How to set up and test the API GW Cognito authentication integration.

  3. Update Cognito to work with the website, and then test it all.

Accessing the AWS Management Console

  1. At the top of these instructions, click Start Lab to launch your lab.

  2. A Start Lab panel opens displaying the lab status.

  3. Wait until you see the message "Lab status: ready", then click the X to close the Start Lab panel.

  4. At the top of these instructions, click AWS

    This will open the AWS Management Console in a new browser tab. The system will automatically log you in.

TIP: If a new browser tab does not open, there will typically be a banner or icon at the top of your browser indicating that your browser is preventing the site from opening pop-up windows. Click on the banner or icon and choose "Allow pop ups."

Arrange the AWS Management Console tab so that it displays along side these instructions. Ideally, you will be able to see both browser tabs at the same time, to make it easier to follow the lab steps.


  1. Ensure you are in Cloud9. Choose Services and search for Cloud9. You should see an existing IDE called Building_2.0. Click the button Open IDE. Once the IDE has loaded, enter the following command into the terminal: (This command will ensure that you are in the correct path)

    cd /home/ec2-user/environment
  2. You will need get the files that will be used for this exercise. Go to the Cloud9 bash terminal (at the bottom of the page) and run the following wget command:

  3. Unzip:

  4. Let's cleanup:

  5. Run the resources/ script that will grab the website contents and upload them to the S3 bucket created by our CloudFormation template.

    chmod +x ./resources/ && ./resources/

    ⚠️ If you are using Java you will also need to run the following script:

    chmod +x ./resources/ && ./resources/
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
    source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"

Lab Steps

Stage 1 - Create A Cognito User Pool Using Localhost

  1. Choose Aws Cloud9 and choose Go To Your Dashboard.

  2. Choose Services and search for Cognito.

  3. Choose Manage User Pools. Choose Create a user pool. Name it FancyPool. Choose Review defaults. Leave the current settings and choose Create pool.

    This should give you "Your user pool was created successfully." at the top of the page.

  4. At the left choose MFA and verifications. At the top leave MFA Off. At the next step choose Email only. Finally at the bottom choose No verification. You will see the following warning:

    You have not selected either email or phone number verification, so your users will not be able to recover their passwords without contacting you for support.

    💁‍♂ This is expected btw.

  5. An IAM role should be populated at the bottom called FancyPool-SMS-Role. This is not needed so there is no need to press create role. Instead choose Save changes.

  6. At the left under General settings and choose Users and groups.

  7. Choose Create user. Name the user ricky. Uncheck Send an invitation to this new user? For the Temporary password use !FooBar55. Enter in a valid Phone Number, and leave Mark phone number as verified? checked. Note: needs to be in +1xxxxxxxxxx format (+1 being the USA code). Also enter in a valid Email and leave Mark email as verified? checked. Finally choose Create user.

  8. At the left under General settings choose Policies. Choose Only allow administrators to create users and choose Save changes.

  9. At the left click on App integration.

  10. Choose Domain name. Type in fancy-domain

  11. Choose Check availability. If it's not available increment it for example: fancy2-domain (and make a note of what you used as you will need it later). Choose Save Changes.

  12. At the left under General settings choose App clients. Choose Add an app client. For App client name use FancyApp. The Refresh will stay at 30. Uncheck Generate client secret. Uncheck everything under Auth Flows Configuration except for ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH which will already be selected. Leave Enabled (Recommended) checked. Choose Create app client.

  13. Under App integration choose App client settings. Choose Select all. For Callback URL(s) paste in:


    For Sign out URL(s) paste in:

  14. Under OAuth 2.0 and Allowed OAuth Flows check Implicit grant only. Under Allowed OAuth Scopes check openid and profile only. Choose Save changes.

  15. Choose Launch Hosted UI. Sign in with the username and password:

    Username: rickyPassword: !FooBar55

    Choose Sign in. It will ask to Change Password use the same password:

    Password: !FooBar55

    Choose Send.

    This is exactly what's expected.

  16. Grab the URL in the address bar and paste it into a text editor. It should look something like the following:

  17. Extract the id_token bit (ie. do not extract the access token or token type). It will end up looking something a bit like the following: Make a note of yours, as you will need it soon.


    💁‍♂ It is easy to accidentally have the access token or some extra characters still in there, Check again that you have done this step correctly, by comparing the two snippets above.

📓 You would normally provide a LIVE callback URL in the previous setup steps. Which would take the full URL and extract the ID token from it and then use that to call the API. Although we do actually have that in your website already (callback.html). It is very useful to do this stage via localhost and manually extract the token and test everything out first before putting it into production to test via a live website.

Awesome. You have your Cognito Set up. Now you need to tell your POST API create_report in API Gateway to only allow access to managers who have pre-registered accounts with Cognito.

💁‍♂ For now we use our dummy account ricky. The managers will set up their own Cognito accounts later.

Stage 2 - How to set up, and test, the API GW cognito authentication integration.

OK time to tell our POST API to authorize with Cognito.

  1. Back at the Cognito tab. Choose Services and API Gateway. Choose the Fancy-Api. Then choose Authorizers at the left. Choose Create New Authorizer then name it Fancy-Auth.

  2. Choose Cognito for Type and select the FancyPool. For Token Source paste in Authorization. Leave Token Validation blank.

  3. Choose Create. Choose Test. Choose Test again. The expected response should look similar to the following:

    Response Code:401Latency 1Unauthorized request: 6b15860c-c8ee-4758-a6d3-da076b9058f9

    Below Authorization Token where it says Authorization (header) paste in the id_token which again should look similar to the following:


    Press Test again. The output should look similar to the following:

    {    "at_hash": "nBZuhu12hP7MXXSq3hk4kg",    "aud": "6igujr7a5emupfgbc4el3s9rs5",    "auth_time": "1593448363",    "cognito:username": "ricky",    "email": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",    "email_verified": "true",    "event_id": "7cb09389-805d-42fe-a512-5be98d136eb1",    "exp": "Mon Jun 29 17:32:43 UTC 2020",    "iat": "Mon Jun 29 16:32:43 UTC 2020",    "iss": "",    "phone_number": "+1xxxxxxxxxxx",    "phone_number_verified": "true",    "sub": "646e50c7-3928-48e8-b7ad-813c174359db",    "token_use": "id"}

    This is great, as now your API can be told to only allow access if a valid token is passed. Later you will be able to extract this information such as the phone number (to be able to send out reports). #winning

  4. Choose Close and let's wire up this new authenticator with the POST API.

  5. Choose Resources and POST under /create_report. Choose Method Request and Authorization. Choose the pencil icon at the right. Choose the Fancy-Auth user pool.

    💁‍♂ You may need to refresh the page if its not showing up.

    Choose the checkmark. Leave everything else "as-is", and choose Actions and Deploy API. For Deployment stage choose test. Choose Deploy. Ignore any warnings.

    Make a note of the API Gateway Endpoint. You will need that later.

  6. Now back in your Cloud9 CMD_LINE test it via CURL against the Invoke URL. (This can be found under Stages and test). First test it without the token in the Cloud9 terminal:

    curl --location -vk --request POST '<FMI>'

    Example: Don't forget the create_report path bit.

    curl --location -vk --request POST ''

    It should give you something like this. Telling you that you are not authorized to view it.


    * Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == 128)!< HTTP/2 401 < date: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 16:57:18 GMT< content-type: application/json< content-length: 26< x-amzn-requestid: 616bd81d-db20-4e3c-96b5-c63e12462b6e< x-amzn-errortype: UnauthorizedException
  7. Now add in the Authorization token in the header a a Bearer Token, using your ID token like so:

    curl --location -vk --request POST --url '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <FMI>'

    Example. Your token will be different:

    curl --location -vk --request POST --url '' --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJQUFZvVk5HdkVzanJhVmh3cXpJdHJsUlZcL21KTHh6XC8zOG12a2lLNzBLYlE9IiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.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.QqCgmB8BlpqramoaFoiVBAevxzwJlCf8OSeFe8j4NQF6ge274R7_XTcXNTnjizMiI35Yyar3Dqa3qQXEV35DTt016FVaY-UUop63A1G81a6Y3lmejZ2L_FbZUGLA975xpJjJ96dvtDANFPOIa62nYbRNUzbWVLipdkE3M_-lVXDxckNCz8omU6Eo1csE_QSZoR8B4AM3a7hEp94vEeU30zG4sGflReTE6lD2wzMTPyYKKA0F5TPDOfPwQWt-yv-sm155XWf8o0ZUNFl9v3liAqVaT39PncBNCKwx3DOwOOuFuNgxlTCzDpTD9l7zHdWnRB3AJ2uC-YJ9mkRlukU8IA"

    To get:

    * Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == 128)!< HTTP/2 200 < date: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 16:59:45 GMT< content-type: application/json< content-length: 116< x-amzn-requestid: 5365a0b5-ff98-48c2-9c30-6fa62d2d1e6e< access-control-allow-origin: *< access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,X-Amz-Security-Token< x-amz-apigw-id: O5mgQF7rPHcFUHg=< access-control-allow-methods: POST,OPTIONS< {    "message_str": "report requested, check your phone shortly"}* Connection #0 to host left intact

Excellent! You have access to your POST API, BUT only if you have a token.

This is just what we want.

💁‍♂ Just an FYI. If you tried to test this in the API GW console. i.e clicking test on create_report it will always allow access. The AWS console does NOT enforce this authentication check. Hence I had you do that curl stuff ;).

We are on the final task of the day where we prove that this can work on the kiosk (website).

Step 1 - Tell Cognito to use your website callback link instead of localhost

Step 2 - Tell the website that you have a new Cognito HOSTED URL.

Step 3 - Visit the website, and try to access a report (and fail). Then follow the login link to the new hosted UI. Finally proceed to login and attempt to get a new report. Hopefully receive a message saying that you are being sent a report. 💁‍♂ Which of course you are not, as we haven't built that bit yet.

Step 1 Update Cognito

  1. First grab the Callback URL:

    aws s3api list-buckets --query "Buckets[].Name" | grep s3bucket | tr -d ',' | sed -e 's/"//g' | xargs​#Outputyour-bucket


    aws s3api list-buckets --query "Buckets[].Name" | grep s3bucket | tr -d ',' | sed -e 's/"//g' | xargs​#Outputc11284a125436u294892t1w852315532251-s3bucket-pteedic3sfy5

    We will need to put that together with the Region to get the Callback URL:


  2. Switch back to the API Gateway tab. Choose Services and choose Cognito. Choose Manage User Pools. Choose FancyPool.

  3. Under App integration and App client settings. Replace the callback and sign-out URLs with the one we just created from above:

  4. Choose Save changes.

Step 2 - Update The Website

You will need to edit the website's config file.

First grab the hosted URL from Cognito.

  1. Choose Launch Hosted UI.

  2. This will give us the Hosted UI address in the browser address bar:

  3. Copy that to your clipboard and switch back to the Cloud9 tab. Open resources/website/config.js

    Which should look like this:

    var G_API_GW_URL_STR = null;var G_COGNITO_HOSTED_URL_STR = null;

    Replace them using your respective URLs. Remember the Invoke URL was used in the curl tests from earlier. (i.e Your API Gateway Endpoint)


    var G_API_GW_URL_STR = "";var G_COGNITO_HOSTED_URL_STR = "";
  4. Choose File and Save.

  5. Now we will upload the updated config.js file using the provided script. Run this:

    chmod +x ./resources/ && ./resources/

    To get:

    upload: resources/website/config.js to s3://c11284a125436u294892t1w852315532251-s3bucket-pteedic3sfy5/config.js

Step 3 - Check It Blocks You, And Then Works Once Logged In.

  1. Now visit the website at: Using your URL:


  2. The website should now work, in terms of getting ratings and reviews. However the request report feature should fail (at first)


    You should get this message:

    Something Went Wrong

    If you are curious you could look in the chrome dev tools at the network to see that you are getting this as a response:

    content-length: 27content-type: application/jsondate: Thu, 02 Jul 2020 16:11:17 GMTstatus: 403x-amz-apigw-id: PDYN7HUEPHcFVlg=x-amzn-errortype: AccessDeniedExceptionx-amzn-requestid: 26ed2bd5-4fec-44d9-9704-bc39ee119e45
  4. Choose the Admin Login. It will redirect the page to the Cognito hosted login. Log in using ricky and !FooBar55

    Once logged in, it will redirect you back to the site, where your bearer token is handled. Now try REQUEST A REPORT.

    Because you are logged in, and because you have set up CORS correctly to allow authenticated "non-simple" POST requests. You should now see a different message:

    "Report Requested, Check Your Phone Shortly"

    💁‍♂ No need to check you phone, as we have not set up that bit yet.

    If you are curious you could look again in the chrome dev tools at the network to see that you are getting this as a response:

    access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,X-Amz-Security-Tokenaccess-control-allow-methods: POST,OPTIONSaccess-control-allow-origin: *content-length: 100content-type: application/jsondate: Thu, 02 Jul 2020 16:13:00 GMTstatus: 200x-amz-apigw-id: PDYd5GTsvHcFeXA=x-amzn-requestid: 0be15d60-7a00-43cf-be08-d65eba3e5668

    📓 You will notice that you have a * for origin, however this is on the already protected POST resource where the Authorization takes place. Remember that it is the OPTIONS resource where the Cross domain protection is happening. This OPTION requires the domain origin to match the website; hence preventing access to the POST resource from any non whitelisted domain. You could lock that POST down more by swapping out the * with the website origin for POST but because we are requiring on Authentication Token on the POST request the browser considers it "non simple" and thus CORS would just block it anyway.

    💁‍♂ Also note you can't use * for the Origin if you are using credentials, that's just another security feature of the browser.

So. It all works! 🎉

The kiosks allow you to login with a dummy account, and request a report.

This is designed to only work from inside the store. Due to your IP bucket policy, and the report can only be requested by logged in users.

Just as you are packing up for the day. Sandra comes by your desk, asking how things are going. She invites you to the team meal tonight.

You feel accomplished, and as you're on track, you decide to accept. You promise yourself you are not going to drink that much, because you have a lot of back end code to write tomorrow, and you will need all your brain cells

Lab Complete

Congratulations! You have completed the lab.

  1. Click End Lab at the top of this page and then click Yes to confirm that you want to end the lab.

  2. A panel will appear, indicating that "DELETE has been initiated... You may close this message box now."

  3. Click the X in the top right corner to close the panel.

Last updated